SPOTLIGHT of the WEEK: A Girl and a Glue Gun
Wow, have you ever thought you had dome something...just knew you had, and well, you actually had not done the thing in question? Well, I did that last week. I thought I had published my Spotlight of the week and I didn't. So, without further adieu here is this week's and last weeks Spotlight. Good morning "folks"...well it is Sunday and for me that means Spotlight of the Week! And this week it is A Girl & her Glue Gun. Have you met Kimbo yet? Well, she is one talented woman..let me tell you. I love a glue gun as good as anybody, but I never knew there were so many delightful crafts to do with one. I found her blog right after I started mine and was just amazed! Her ideas are amazing. So, please check her out at Drop by and see all the things you can do with a glue gun and tell her Three Dawg Lady Designs sent ya. You can also grab her button from my page and go to her site that way. Enjoy! Blessings, Deborah Drop by and see all the things you can do with a glue gun and tell her Three Dawg Lady Designs sent ya. You can also grab her button from my page and go to her site that way. Enjoy! Blessings, Deborah
I love her blog, and she is awesome!