DIY NO SEW Fleece Shawl and Scarf!

Another day of you've read my previous blog post, I decided not to make any resolutions(because I never keep them) and decided to try and create something everyday....I have made so much jewelry this week.....enough for several days of this month......and decided to do something different.

We have all seen the DIY No Sew Fleece shawls, ponchos and have probably made a few. I had purchased this HUGE piece of red fleece at our local Goodwill before Christmas and had planned on making something from the material, but with Daddy dying, it got put on the back burner. So, here is what I did today. I borrowed my neighbors quilt cutting mat and cutting tool. This was so much easier on my hands than using scissors. I spread the large piece on my bed, and first, cut off a length of about 12 inches wide from the side to use for the scarf. I cut a slit up the front of what is the front of the shawl. I will be adding pockets on the front with contrasting colors, but have not done that yet.

Second, the the long strip I made a scarf. I cut slits or fringe slits in one end and in the other end, you can see where I cut a slit about an inch from the bottom. So, I can wrap the fringe end around, loop it through the hole, and it stays secure:

Please, excuse my "self-portraits", but it was so cold here this morning I didn't want to ask one of my neighbors to go outside and take pics! So, my scarf looks pink in the bathroom pics, but I have already worn the scarf while walking Odawg, and the shawl is just perfect to wear around the house instead of my heavy bathrobe. I think I might make some more scarves, as I think my neighbors would love them!



  1. You didn't paint something on it!?! Very clever use of a piece of fleece.

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