Easy and Delish Chicken pot Pie!

Happy Tuesday!

Hey Y'all, as we say down in South Georgia....it has been a while since I posted! Well, let me catch you up...first, there was a sinus infection....then after that subsided, I was planning hectically for my trip to Virginia to attend my nephew's wedding....and, FLYING for the first time in 40 years...yes, I did say, 40 years!!! Then back home, finishing a painting, after, you know, washing all the clothes for the trip!! Whew.....finally, I am able to settle back down and get into the mood of making crafts for the upcoming holidays!

So, today, even though it has been hot...muggy....and, "they" say we are finally getting some of that rain that is coming up from Texas, i wanted something warm and comfy to eat. After, opening and closing the freezer and fridge and cabinets many times thinking that each time, something that wasn't there before, will be now...hehe....do you ever do that? I decided to make a quick and easy chicken pot pie....taking already grilled, skinless, chicken strips and a bag of mixed veggies and some chicken broth and throwing it all in a saucepan. I let that all cook together for about 15 minutes...added some fresh rosemary, salt, pepper, and a smidgen of thyme...I then added a small amount of corn starch mixed with water to the mixture and let that thicken, then turned on warm while I was making the batter.

I took about 2 cups of Bisquik and added some milk and about a 1/4 of a cup of melted butter to the mixture. I spooned the chicken mixture into my glass pan and then topped the entire surface with small spoonfuls of the batter. I cooked it on 350 until the Bisquick topping started turning lightly brown. i then melted a 1/4 stick of butter and pored on top. When the topping was brown I took out of oven....and, If I say so myself it was DELISH!

The rain is falling and I already have my pj's on sitting in the recliner enjoying this warm and easy meal. Blessings to each of you and I hope to post soon again!



  1. Anything easy and delish sounds good to me! Pinned and shared on facebook!

    Found you on Thursday Favorite Things blog hop!

    Trisha @ Home Sweet Homemade

  2. I love chicken pot pie!!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe at Submarine Sunday!!!


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