Are Ya "Ready for Sum Football"!! In Honor of KATY B!!

Happy Friday Everyone, Yes, I'm a Woman who Loves College Football!!! When I was growing up, it was my Mom, Katy, who started me on the path of loving football. My Daddy, Dick, was a lawyer, and when Friday's rolled around, he left the house and went to his "river house"...where he could hunt, fish, and relax. Little did he know that back at home....we were "throwing down".....eating red-velvet cake...who my Mom made for "puppy love boyfriend" who would come to the house every Saturday and watch football with us! I grew up watching the greats of college football....Mike Singletary, John Hannah, Roger Staubach, Johnny Muso, and of course....Herschel Walker from GEORGIA!!! Give the BALL TO HERSCHEL!!! I still yell that at the tv when my DAWGS are playing!! So, every year when Football Season starts I deck out....signs, shirts, jewelry, and of course, my UGA by the, I wanted to deck out my blog in Bulldog colors and share my love of...