I Need a Blogger Guru!!! Someone Help me with my Blog!

Greetings Everyone this Monday evening...

Ok, here is the deal...I need help with my blog, and I can't really pay anyone for help....I so wish I could and I would pay someone to design me a really new blog page...but, that isn't the budget for someone living on a fixed income.

So, when I set up my blog originally, I used the basic blog templates through blogspot.  Then I discovered Shabby Blogs and Cutest Blog on the Block...and I loved them. I could change my page seasonally, or when ever....but, now, if you look closely at my page you will see that underneath is my Christmas design!

I've done everything to get rid of it...and it will not let me add another design. I wish I could just pay someone but I can't, so if ANYBODY has any advice, please let me know.



  1. All I can suggest is changing back to a standard Blogger template and then trying again - that might work. You were brave giving it a go - I have stuck with a very simple Blogger template which I think is clean and have tried to keep it as uncluttered as I can. Good luck

  2. Ugg I can't help I had so many issues I went to the simple look and it just feels better all white.


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