Be Thankful!

Happy Wednesday Evening,

I'm happy to announce that my broken toe is so much better, but, it sure did hurt for awhile, and turned a awful purple color! I have picked up the stack of signs I had sitting beside my chair and moved them to a place that is not so dangerous for But, speaking of signs, I had made so many funny signs and Christmas signs for this craft show, that I was getting tired of seeing red and green!

So, I was thinking of something else to paint, when I found out that a woman from the 12 Step Recovery community that I've belonged to for so many years, had lost her battle with cancer. This was an amazing woman. I can't count the number of people that she helped lead them to this way of life and helped them stay on the path of sobriety. I started thinking how thankful I was that I had met her back in 1991 at a meeting. She gave the best hugs ever.

Then my thoughts ran to my children and grandchildren and parents and siblings and friends and, even you my blogging friends, of how thankful I am of them and you. Be thankful....they are two small words but they contain so much meaning, so, I thought I would combine fall colors and those two simple words:


So, what are you thankful for in your life? If you are like me, everything. I'm thankful for you my always make this small time blogger like she is doing something good.




  1. What a wonderful way to remind us to remember all the things in our lives that we are thankful for. Thank you so much for sharing with Share It One More Time. Cathy

  2. Cute! I need something like this to remind me to be thankful. I feel like I'm just a grumpy pregnant lady lately. lol Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday! I am a fan of your paintings. You do such a wonderful job!

    1. T'onna, thank you so much! I so remember being pregnant with all 3 of mine, and I do remember being grumpy! I'm glad that it made you happy!


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