It Is What It Is Sunday #?....Leg Hurting To bad!

Good Sunday Morning Everyone...

Did you notice that I had a ? instead of a number....well, it has been so long since I post on a Sunday...I've forgotten how many this is supposed to be! Oh yes, I could go look, but, I'm really feeling lazy today....this week had been so busy, hectic, and emotionally wrenching for me...

first, as you know I've been having trouble with my left leg again! That is the leg I broke back in 2008 down around the ankle area. Even have some nice metal in there to remind me how painful it is, but I make it by.  About 3 weeks ago now, I started having swelling in the knee area. Was worried that it was a blood clot...went to doctor...had an ultrasound done and no clots...yea! BUT, my doc couldn't figure it, I went and had x-rays done on the left knee. Well, she calls me back with a report that says there are NO the knee cap but it does shows asymmetrical narrowing and she wants to send me to an, I say ok...but, she doesn't give a good explanation of what this asymmetrical whatever really is.

Then on Friday night after pizza with the girls on the porch...I go back outside to water our beautiful garden, and just step back and the heel of my shoe hits the tip of my rocking chair, and BAM....I guess I jumped or something...and I hear and feel at the same time, as very LOUD SNAP behind my left knee. Almost dropped to the porch...grabbed a hold of the post there and hollered for my neighbor to come and help me inside. I had been using a walker these past weeks to get around and thank goodness I had it here.

So, after getting me inside and deciding to call 911....and sitting in ER....i find out that the inner side of my knee where the bones connect...tendons all run thought narrowing and my main tendon in that area is literally snapping out of place and rubbing over the bone! So, now I'm in a leg immobilizer, which I can't stand....still going to the orthopaedic on Wednesday, but ER doc said I probably need surgery to see what all is going on in there.....

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by everything right now...I can't go babysit my grandson right now...I can't drive to Dollar Tree....nothing but stay inside and "take care of that leg" as my mother tells me, here I am....going to try and work on some crafts today and just take it easy...thanks for letting me vent!




  1. The Liebster Award!
    I'm pasting it a long to you..


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