All the Give A Ways!! I'm turning into MY GRANNY DUFFY!

I have a confession to make to all of dear followers.....I'm an ADDICT! is hard for me to admit...but I'm ADDICTED to all the FABULOUS Give a Ways that are out there right now. There are books, kitchen items, makeup, clothes, GIFT CARDS, and yes, even CASH!! So this morning after getting up, walking the dog, and grabbing that first cup of Java, I quickly ran to the computer to check my email quickly.....I just knew I had won SOMETHING!!! But when I realized that I wouldn't be seeing this:

I realized that I had turned into my Granny Duffy!  She was an absolutely marvelous and wonderful Grandmother. A little, tiny woman with beautiful red hair, and the kinda of laugh that made you laugh with her...and the BEST cook ever. She lived in a beautiful home that always had smells of her baking when you walked inside. She did everything....cooked, baked, gardened, and even went fishing by herself after my Granddaddy passed away....and she couldn't even swim.

In 1985 after suffering her first stroke, my Mom had to move her out of her beautiful home and sell it, Mom moved her into a small cottage behind my parents home. She still could take care of herself...and still cooked...and still spoiled the grandchildren and the great grandchildren....but during this time she became OBSESSED with prize package letters that would come in the mail to know the ones from Readers Digest and Publishers Clearing house....every day Duffy would walk to the mail box...just  KNOWING in her Heart that she had WON that day. 

She would call my Mom at the office( my Mom managed my Daddy's law offices) and she would say..."Katy you have to come's the BIG ONE".....or "I think I won this one"......She NEVER gave up hope that ONE DAY she would Win Big!

And, this morning after realizing I hadn't won over night the big gift card, or the Kitchen Aid mixer...and felt kinda let down...I realized I had already won the most important thing...the wonderful and unique love from a Grandmother a child could ever hope to have. So, I will keep entering all the give a ways....if for no other reason than....Granny Duffy would want me to.



  1. hi Deborah! REturning the follow on G+ and GFC, loving your blog, can't wait to read more. have a great Thurs!

  2. Great, fun story. You know, you will win 0% of the giveaways you don't enter. I always get excited when I see a "you won" email. One of these days I'm going to win a gigantic giveaway, I just know it! :) Good luck to you on the ones you enter. ;)

  3. What a wonderful story. I bet it was wonderful to have someone like this in your family. Always with her eye on the big one!
    I found your blog from the Grow Your Blog party. I was already following your facebook, but am now following your blog too!
    Cynthia at

    1. Cynthia, Granny Duffy was wonderful....I was so blessed to have both sets of my grandparents til late in my teens...Duffy lived the longest...way into my adulthood and my children LOVED HER.

  4. What a sweet post! I found your blog through the blog hop and I'm your newest follower! I'd love for you to check out my blog, too, and follow me back!


  5. hey there!
    thanks for linking up with Think Outside the Blog!
    new follower, follow back? :)

  6. Here's to Grandma Duffy and to hope eternal. I'm off to enter a giveaway or two hundred. =) cheerio.

    Thank you so very much for joining us for An Aloha Affair last week. How sweet it was to end the month together.

    Our beautiful December team has gathered and we are so excited to invite you to join us for... An Aloha Affair. Come mingle and grow with us, you are always welcome. Always.


  7. Thanks Nicole....she was a blast! And, I love joining your party every week!

  8. You're so lucky to have grown up close to your Grandma!! Mine lived so far away I was lucky to see her every few years but I cherished every visit. Keep the tradition of Grandma Duffy alive! :)

    I hope you're having a wonderful week.

    Come visit our Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you will!! It's a great and easy way to get followers to your lovely blog/website or to your Twitter/Facebook, etc...
    Link up your website and pages too! Aloha Friday Blog Hop {HERE}

  9. You have a wonderful blog!! I'm your newest follower from the "I love my Post" blog hop - this is my blog if you wanted to follow back:


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